What is CSC Center?How can we open CSC Centre||New registration process
Do you know? In today’s time various types of government works are done through CSC Center.Today We will disscus how can we open a CSC Centre.By this CSC Center, it has been started to gives various types of facilities to all the citizens of the country. The full form of CSC Center is Common Service Center and in Hindi it is known as Jaan Seva Kendra. Many types of documents of the citizens of the country are prepared through this public service center and along with this various works are also done through CSC service center.
What is CSC Center?
Each of Indian are knowing that, Most the Services in India are Online under The Government of India Scheme Digital India, By the way, Someone are in tension because they are not aware about these Services.
Common Service Centre(CSC) is a digital service centre.Many services are provided at this Centre as;CSC VLE Insurance, agriculture , health, education , Banking & financial services.

For registration of New CSCs please follow the following steps:
1.Click on the weblink https://register.csc.gov.in/
2.To start your registration, Enter a valid Mobile Number, Enter captcha and Proceed to click on submit. N.B: For any communication purpose your given mobile and email will be used till the creation of CSC ID. Also, don’t use one mobile number to register for multiple CSC Ids.
3.The second step for registration is authentication. You need Virtual ID. VID(Virtual ID) is a temporary, revocable 16-digit random number captured with the Aadhaar number. It is not possible to derive the Aadhaar number from VID. Visit the link: https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/genericGenerateOrRetriveVID to generate/retrieve your VID.
4.Required Documents
- Applicant photo
- Proof of Identity
- Proof of Address
- Cancelled copy of a cheque or passbook
5.On successful authentication, a form will open. The applicant is required to fill the information under the following tabs, like; Personal, Residential, Kiosk, Banking, Document, infrastructure details, Certifications/Tnc.
6.After completion of registration, you receive an acknowledgement number for further updates You will get an acknowledgement email regarding successful completion of your application on your email address provided during the registration process.
7.It is mandatory for you to download a copy of the form and submit the same to the District Manager available in the nearest CSC office along with a copy of self attested documents (cancelled cheque/Bank statement/bank passbook PAN card, and applicant photo)
To check Registration application status click here.
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