How to protect bank account from financial fraud

How to protect bank account from financial fraud|| How can we save our bank account from Fraudulent?

Dear friends Today We will disscus a useful article.In this time there are many fraudsters found in Banking sector.They are trying to steal your banking details.So we will share knowledge tricks as how to protect bank account from financial fraud.Kindly read the full article which will be helpful to you.

Fraudsters try to steal your account and card related information such as User ID, passwords, URN, card number, grid values on the back of the card, CVV, expiry date and OTP by sending e-mails or messages which falsely appears to originate from trusted sources like banks, financial services industry and tax authorities etc.

Fraudsters use a replica page of a known financial institution or a popular shopping website. Fraudsters have refined their methods to launch sophisticated attacks and use advanced social engineering techniques to mislead online banking users.

Fraudsters use a combination of e-mail phishing page to capture account,vishing (voice phishing) and smishing (SMS phishing) to get customer details like account number, login ID, login and transaction password, mobile number, address, Debit Card grid values, Credit Card number, CVV, PAN details, date of birth, mother’s maiden name etc.

How to identify a fraud attempt?

  • Authentic bank SMSes show the bank’s name or short name and not a number,e.g.ICICB,HDFCB etc.
  • Grammatical and spelling mistakes-supended,verificate
  • ‘S’ is missing -check if the site is secure with a lock icon on the status bar or make sure that the URL is starting with ‘https’ ‘s’ means ‘secure’
  • Never click on the links or download files or open the attachment of an e-mail or sms or any messaging apps from unknown sender.


Always remember that the bank will never send message from personal number.Always check for verified business account ticks(green ticks)

Bank fraud

Beware of fraudulent e mail/SMS/message on messaging apps asking to update KYC ,PAN Details,Debit card grid value details etc.

Do not share any confidential details and never click on such links.

Aslo read




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