Useful of Old smart phone

Usage of old smart phone||advantage of old phone

Dear friends Today We will disscus useful of Old smart phone.To khow more about useful of Old smart and their advantage You have need to read our whole blog article.

Latest Smartphones are a wonderful invention in today’s world. Without it, we can’t take a step outside and even inside. We are totally occupied with our smartphones. We never give up own old smart phone.So, don’t sell or throw away your old smartphone. There are so many way for you to reuse an old smartphone around your home.

1.Digital Photo Frame

Dear friends If your old phone or tablet doesn’t have any cracks or scratches on the display, it can make a stunning and attractive digital photo frame.

2.Record Sound With Your Old Phone

All Smartphones have built-in microphones. That’s how you talk to the person on the other end of the line. But the mic isn’t limited to phone calls.

With a sound recording app installed on your old phone, you can use it as a recorder. Use it as a dictating machine, you can make voice notes for school, work and  perhaps for a writing project.

3.Use Your Old Phone as a Camera

Old smart phone

May be the most common thing you do with any smartphones is take photos. Rather Than rely on a phone with a low battery, keep an old smartphone with you as a spare camera. This is particularly suitable for parties and nights out.

Exactly, your old smartphone is perfect as a video camera. The better the camera hardware and software, the better the results. With an old iPhone or Android phone in your spare drawer, the results can be amazing.

4.Use Your Old Smartphones as a Spare Computer

Your old smart phone is surprisingly powerful. Rather than leaving it to gather dust, it can be used as a spare computer—with the right software. While this isn’t a suitable use for an old iPhone, it is ideal for an old Android device.Click here for more useful of Old smart phone.

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