How to make money on YouTube

How to Make Money on YouTube||Make money through YouTube

In this article, we will describe five ways to make money on YouTube.How to make money on YouTube?

How to make money

You can make money on YouTube in a variety of ways, depending on your audience, the product and service you offer. Find out which of these techniques best matches your goals on YouTube:

1. Advertise

You can pay YouTube to display video advertisements for your product or service on your channel. Choose individual user channels your viewers watch or major brands that get a lot of traffic. While this strategy requires an up-front cost, it may benefit you in the long term through brand recognition and an increases in website traffic and sales.

2. Share affiliate links

If you post products reviews and how-to videos, consider including affiliate link and links to other companies’ products in your video’s description text. When a company makes a sale from a link you have posted, you get a percentage of that sale. Join an affiliate network to sign up and let’s started

3.Become a YouTube partner

If you qualify to become a YouTube partner, you get access to Special Revenue feature and can make money from the advertisement that display on your channel. To qualify, you can>

  • Follows YouTube’s advertising rules
  • Lives in an eligible region
  • Have more than 1,000 subscribers
  • Have at least 4,000 public watch hours in the previous year
  • Link to a Google AdSense account

4.License your content

If one of your videos goes viral, you may license it to the media for a fee. You might license desirable videos to>

  • Online news websites
  • Television news channels
  • Media companies
  • Other content creators
  • A content marketplace

to be successful When licensing content, Make sure that your contact informations and videos are easy to find. Put your email address on your YouTube “About” page, and sign up for a video rights marketplace where people may search for contents like yours.

5.. Enable monetization

If you meet the requirements, click on the “Monetization” section of your Profile to apply to be a good partner.To know more about it click hereĀ 


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